Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Beat is ON! September drumming

"Man has been beating on things from as far back as history records. Among numerous other artifacts found through the years, hollowed out logs were excavated that were believed to be communication devices in primitive times. Drums would later take a more prominent role in tribal ceremonial gatherings where they accompanied ritual dancing and celebration." ~411 Drums

Jim has welcomed the Fox Valley Drum Circle to his home in Naperville! Weather permitting, there will be drumming on the deck outside. The caution is that it's a busy week, so forgive the house and bring lots of potluck yummies. They'll likely have some local organic produce to work into the usual bountiful mix. The bonus is that there are solar tours (Jim's house, I believe, is on some of the Green Tours of the area due to all of his interest and hard work) and ping pong!

WHEN: Saturday, September 20th
TIME: 5:00 - 9:00 PM
WHERE: The Camasto House in Naperville
(address and a map will be provided on 9/18 to those RSVPing Yes...or contact Jim at
WHAT: potluck supper and drum circle

Couple of HOUSE RULES:

1) RSVPs are necessary for the address.

2) Guests are welcome as long as they want to drum.

3) Please limit the alcohol you bring to what you want to consume, and please take the leftovers home with you.


1 comment:

Ninian said...

I hope all have a wonderful time drumming! Bek & I [Nina] will be off in the woods of Indiana at Lothlorien for Wilde Magic where we will be drumming with the Pagans.